Best BBQ Charcoal – DuraflameWhat is the best BBQ charcoal? Every RV lover I've ever met also happens to be a lover of good barbecue. A good barbecue requires the best BBQ charcoal. For many years I have typically used Kingsford match light coals, and have been... more
Bear Deterrent: Must Have ProtectionWhat is bear spray, or bear deterrent? So, what is bear spray? It is a form of pepper spray used to ward off aggressive bears, and is definitely a must have RV accessory for any adventurous person! According to Wikipedia, Smith et al.... more
RV Outdoor Mats by Clean MachineComing up on winter, it's definitely time to talk about RV Mats! Of course, having a good outdoor RV mat year round is a good idea, but having one in the winter should be high up on your list of RV accessories. Last month, as I was wiping... more
Superband Insect Repellent BraceletWhat RV Adventure would be complete without annoying insects buzzing about? Not to fear, Superband Insect Repellent Bracelets are here! Talk to anyone about a revolutionary line of insect repelling accessories and these will be sure to... more
RV Patio Rug / MatWhat is the Best RV Patio Rug? Awhile back, our good friends bought an RV Patio Rug by Guide Gear, and they couldn't be happier! So, why buy patio rug for your RV? Because, no matter where you go, you can set up a nice seating area and... more
LifeStraw Personal Water FilterThe LifeStraw Personal Water Filter might just Save your Life! The LifeStraw Personal Water Filter System is definitely a survival must have for any RV owner. Part of owning an RV is getting away from people and out into the most... more